Press Shift+Alt+F10, select the desired run configuration from the pop-up menu, and press Enter.On the main toolbar, select the desired run configuration, and: Choose Run | Run from the main menu.It should then fix the file association in the OS. There are two ways to do it: Reinstall the new JRE. Delete the metadata folder inside your workspace.Ĭould not find the main class program will exit?.This should cause complete project rebuild and Eclipse to see main class….Solution: Try going to project properties > Java Build Path > Order And Export tab > select all (or try to play with check boxes there). How do I fix resolve could not find or load main class error in eclipse? And indeed, the “…” in the message will be the fully qualified class name that java is looking for. The java command was not able to find the class. When you get the message “Could not find or load main class …”, that means that the first step has failed. To avoid or resolve the error, we need to specify the absolute package name or class name.Ĭould not find or load main class meaning? The error generates because the JVM fails to load the main class or package name. How do you fix could not find or load main class?Ĭould Not Find or Load Main Class in Java Why is Java-javatpoint failing to load main class?.Why does JVM say could not find or load main class?.Why do I get error could not find main class in Java?.What does ” could not find or load main class ” mean?.How do I run a main function in IntelliJ?.Could not find the main class program will exit?.How do I fix resolve could not find or load main class error in eclipse?.Could not find or load main class meaning?.

How do you fix could not find or load main class?.